How do I register a bank account for membership fee payment?

Charging modules in SportMember

In SportMember, you as a club can create charging modules to receive payments from members in connection with:

- payment of membership fee

- Payment activities

- Events (public events)

The payments from these charging modules are received on one or more bank accounts, which you must register yourself on SportMember.

Diese Funktion kann nur am PC verwendet werden.

Open Club account and register the club bank account number

  1. Click on at the bottom left
  2. Click on Club settings
  3. Click on Membership fees on the left
  4. Click onAdd bank account

Enter the club details and account details.

Note: All information is transmitted via a secure connection and stored encrypted in our system.

  • Name
  • VAT number
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • City
  • Name of bank
  • Account nickname (displayed only for club administrators in Holdsport)
  • Registration number
  • Account number

In addition, you will be asked to provide the club's signatory (typically chairman/treasurer) and personal details:

  • Name of signatory
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Social security number

Note: If you wish to remove an account number from the club's deposits, please contact us at

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