How do I create a season?

What are the seasons for?

- Within the seasons you determine when he resource can be booked

- You can also block certain dates. Your club is closed on Sundays? No problem, you can disable booking for the resources.

Diese Funktion kann nur am PC verwendet werden.

Now the seasons have to be defined.

  1. Click on Club
  2. Click on Booking in the overview on the left side
  3. Go to the subcategory Seasons
  4. Click on the green button Create Season
  5. Enter the name and start/end date of the season
    1. You can choose days off when the resource is unavailable.
  6. Click Create

Then you go to Show season template to specify when members can book.

Under Resources on the right side of the screen, you can select which resource you want to determine the availability for.

Enter in the calendar when this resource is available. Click on the start time and drag the mouse to the desired end time. In the selected time frame, members are then able to book the resource.

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