How do I set up Booking?

What can you do with booking ?

- With booking you can set which resources are available to the club (the price and the period).

- Booking allows you to set the reservation for areas, gyms, and facilities for members.

Diese Funktion kann nur am PC verwendet werden.

Booking gives you the ability to schedule reservations of lots, gyms, and facilities for members. In order to use it, you need to set up the resources, price plan, and season(s). By using booking, you can ensure efficient resource planning. You can determine which resources are needed by whom, how often, and when they can be booked. Coaches can also reserve resources for their activities.

These are the steps you need to take:

  1. First, the category of a resource must be determined. You can find more information on how to do that HERE.
  2. Then, the price plan must be defined. You can find more information on how to do that HERE.
  3. Then you can create a season(s), e.g., specify that a resource cannot be booked during a holiday or similar period. You can find more information on how to do that HERE.
  4. Once this information is filled in, it is possible to book facilities or equipment, etc., through SportMember.
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