How do I create a profile for a member?

3 options to create members in SportMember

- You can create your members individually in SportMember (this guide)

- You can invite your members via e-mail. You can find detailed instructions HERE

- You can import your members via Excel. This is especially useful for importing many members at once. You can find detailed instructions HERE

Open the team you want to create a member to

  1. Click on Team
  2. Chose the team you want to create a member to
  3. Click on Members in the bottom overview
  4. Click in the bottom right corner
  5. Chose + Add player/coach
  6. Fill out informations about the member
    a. The required fields are: First Name, Last name, E-mail, User name and Password
  7. Then click on Create and the member will receive an e-mail with which he/she can log in.

Open Members of the club and Import members

  1. Click on in the top left corner
  2. Click on MEMBERS
  3. Click on the green Create Member button on the right of the screen
  4. Click on Create member and select the team in which you want to create a member and click on pick

Then you can choose between three options to create the members. Choose + Create a player

Then you will be asked to enter some information about the member.

The required fields are:

  • First Name,
  • Last name,
  • E-mail

Then click on Create and the member will receive an e-mail with which he/she can log in.

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