How do I create a fixed payment?
Make sure you have registered your club's bank account number on SportMember in advance, so you can receive membership fee payments through the system.
Then go to Membership fees
- Click on in the top left corner
- Go to Membership fees
- Click on Membership fees on the left and Fixed payment
- Click on the green button Create member fee payment and thenCreate member fee payment
You can now start creating the conditions and prices for a membership fee payment. The membership fee payment is automatic, meaning that SportMember itself will send out charges as an annual cycle based on your start/end dates for the various annual moves you create.
When a membership fee payment draw starts, all members of the team(s) will be charged. During this period, new members are automatically charged when they join the team(s) until the end of the draw. When a new cycle starts, everyone on the team is charged again.
Create fixed payment
You will be asked to:
- Name: Title of payment email received by member.
- Household discount
- Enrolment fee: Member's first payment
- Administration fee paid by club or member (£0.35 + 1.0%)
- Automatic blocking of registration for activities when the payment deadline has passed
- Start date: due date, the charge itself is generated 14 days before this date
- End date: End of the subscription period (after this date new members will not be automatically charged)
- Price
- Price after date: Possible cut-off date for new members NOT to be charged the full price on creation
- Trial period
- Automatically exempt coaches
Once selected:
- Click on Next
- Find the teams in the left column and click on next to them to select for the member fee payment
- Click on Save
- Click on Change payment status next to the member to change the conditions of the individual member's member fee payment (e.g. exemption/change amount)
- Finish with Save and close
- TIP: If a member is on more than one team and each team has its own membership fee payment, make sure to exempt the member from the member fee payment(s) the member does not have to pay for

Once the membership fee payment(s) are set up in SportMember, you can view Future Payments.
As soon as the first start date of a member fee payment has passed, the actual charges/payments will appear in Created payments.