How do I unblock a member's email address?

Why are some email addresses blocked?

In the club's membership list, you will sometimes find email addresses of members/coaches that are listed as blocked.

This is due to various reasons, the majority of which relate to:

- Spelling errors in the email address

- Mails end up in the recipient's spam filter (ask recipients to look in unwanted mails)

Go to Members and find the members who do not receive emails from SportMember

  1. Press  at the bottom of the screen
  2. Press  at the bottom right
  3. Press  Unblock email
  4. Select the members you want to unblock

The system will now try to resend emails to the recipient(s).

If the user still does not receive emails from Holdsport, or is again put back on the block list, please contact SportMember at have us remove the block.

In the email, please indicate which email addresses/people you would like to have unblocked.

Open Members and find the members who do not receive emails from SportMember.

  1. Click on in the top left corner
  2. Click on MEMBERS
  3. Find one or more members with a  next to their email address
  4. Press  on the far right under the Actions column
  5. Press  Unblock
  6. Press Unblock and confirm with Yes


  • TIP: You can unblock multiple members at once by checking the box to the far left of the members' names. Then press  and at the far right under the Actions column in the top blue box.

The system will now try to send the mail to the recipient(s) again.

If the user still does not receive emails from SportMember, or is again put back on the block list, please contact SportMember at to have us remove the block.

In the email, please indicate which email addresses/people you would like to have unblocked.

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