How do I send emails?

Who receives emails from SportMember?

- You can emails as you wish

- Unlimited number of emails

- All members/coaches on the team are set up with an email address, so everyone can receive emails

Go to Messages

  1. Press on your Profile in the top right corner
  2. Press Inbox
  3. Press at the bottom right

Send email

Here you have to:

  • Select beneficiaries, which may be:
    • Your coach
    • Specific members
    • Specific parents
  • Define a title for the email in the Subject field
  • Choose which email address you want to use as sender (only applicable if you have more than 1 email address on your profile)
  • Define the content of the email
  • Add a login link to each recipient's personal SportMember profile
  • Attach a file to the mail if necessary
  • Finish with the green button Send

  • TIP: Select all recipients by ticking All at the top

Go to Messages

  1. Click on on the left
  2. Click on EMAIL on the top right
  3. Click on the green New Email button

Send email

Here you need to:

  • Select recipients, which could be:
    • Your coach
    • Specific members
    • Specific parents
  • Define a title for the email in the Subject field
  • Choose which email address you want to use as sender (only applicable if you have more than 1 email address on your profile)
  • Define the content of the email
  • Add a login link to each recipient's personal SportMember profile
  • Attach a file to the mail if necessary
  • Finish with the green Send button
  • TIP: Select all recipients by choosing All

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