Booking system

Is the pitch available at 19:00 tonight? We all know the problem when there is uncertainty about who has booked into the hall or pitch. That's why SportMember has, by popular demand, developed a booking function. The system can be used for any club or association that has any kind of resource that members can book.

With booking from SportMember, club management will avoid hassle and uncertainty about who has booked when and whether they have been paid for their booking. The club can create its resources (e.g. a badminton court or a boat) and easily create a calendar for when a resource can be booked and by whom it can be booked.

Who can book and when?

The system allows a court to be booked by a specific group of members at one time of the day or week, while the court can be rented by others at another time. For example, a badminton court that in the morning can only be rented by the club's senior members, but from noon and throughout the day, it can be rented by all members of the club - and perhaps on Fridays by "non-members" at a higher price.

With a structure that we call price plans and price groups, it's easy to create a setup where you create a plan for who can book and when. For example, the club can create a price plan called "Morning" and choose that only members of a team with only senior members can book here. Similarly, you can create a price plan called "Evening", where you can choose that all members of the senior team can still book for £10, - while all other members must pay £20, - per booking. So there are a lot of options and combinations to get the right setup for your organization.

How to get started with SportMember Booking

Create a private personal profile first, then you can create a club and take a closer look at our booking system.

Get started now - Create a profile here

Booking via APP

When the time comes to book a resource, it can easily be done by any member who meets the criteria set by the club for resource booking at the given time, for example, anyone who has paid a specific membership fee can book a time in the afternoon.

Via the SportMember app, it is always easy for members to book their desired time, as long as it is available

With the SportMember app, members can always quickly book an available time and access an overview of the bookings they have already made.

It is planned that the booking calendar will soon be included in our website system so that bookings can also be made from the website.

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