How do I create teams in my club?

How many teams can we have on SportMember?

- Unlimited number across all sports

- Assign some or all teams to membership fees as you wish

- Only administrators can create teams in the club

There are 2 ways to create teams as an administrator:

1. From the club level

Open Club and Teams

  1. Press in the top right corner
  2. Press at the bottom of the menu
  3. Then press in the bottom right corner and + Create team
  4. Define the team name and sport (select Other sport if your sport does not exist)
  5. Select who you want to create as a coach on the team
  6. Then press Create
  • TIP: The sport determines whether a member is listed as a Rider (Equestrian), Swimmer (Swimming) etc. and whether the coach is listed as Instructor (Gymnastics) etc.

2. From the team level

Open Teams and Create team

  1. Press in the top right corner
  2. Then press Add team and Create another team
  3. Define the team name and sport (select Other sport if the sport does not exist)
  4. Then press Create

  • Note: You can add more informations about your team under 'Settings'. These informations will ONLY be shown on the website.

There are 2 ways to create teams as an administrator:

1. From the club level

Open Club and Teams

  1. Click on Club on the top left corner
  2. Click on Teams in the menu on the left
  3. Then click on the green Create team button in the top right corner
  4. Define the team name and sport (select Other sport if your sport does not exist)

  • Note: You can add more informations about your team under 'Settings'. These informations will ONLY be shown on the website.

2. From the team level

Open Teams and Create team

  1. Click on Teams on the left
  2. Click on the dropdown menu in the top left corner
  3. Then click on Add team and Create team
  4. Define the team name and sport (select Other sport if your sport does not exist)
  • TIP: The sport determines whether a member is listed as a Rider (Equestrian), Swimmer (Swimming) etc. and whether the coach is listed as Instructor (Gymnastics) etc.

Once a team is created, you can link it to an automatic membership fee.

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