How do I create a team activity?
- Click on Activities at the bottom of the overview.
- Click on in the bottom right corner
- Now click + Activity
Here you can define all important information and settings for the activity. To get all options displayed, you can click on Advanced in the upper right corner.
You can put in the following information:
- Title (Name of the Activity)
- If it is a payment activity
Activity type
- Match
- Practice
- Social activity
- Tournament
- Meeting
- Member activity
- ((as a club, you can also define your own activity types))
- Date, Starting time, End time
- Does the activity end on another day? (e.g. a weekend tournament or a summer camp over several days)
Repeat activity
- If the activity is to be created and repeated every week/every other week/etc. in a certain period of time.
- Recommended for fixed training times
- Place, meeting place, pickup time
- Registration type
- max number of participants (automatically blocks registrations when the maximum number is reached)
- Whether trainers count in the maximum number of participants
- Registration start (if the registration should be possible only at a certain time)
- Registration deadline
- Waiting list
- Hide unsubscribe button for registered persons (for binding registrations)
- Hide registration status from participants
- Participants can NOT see who is logged in
- Participants can only see how many are logged in
- Participants can only see how many are logged in
- Reminders 2 and/or 5 days before the activity
- Volunteer tasks
- Driving
- Player of the Match
- Comments
Go to Calendar
- Click on Team on the top left side
- Click on Calendar in the menu on the left
- Click on the green button Create activity in the upper right corner or simply click on the appropriate day in the calendar
Here you can define all important information and settings for the activity.
Activity type
- Match
- Practice
- Social activity
- Tournament
- Meeting
- Member activity
- etc. (as a club, you can also define your own activity types)
- Title (Name of the Activity)
- Date, Starting time, End time
- Place
- Pickup time and place
Repeat activity
- If the activity is to be created every week, every other week, every 3rd, 4th week, or annually
- Recommended for fixed training times
- IMPORTANT: put in a date in Repeat weekly up to and including
Registration type
- Payment for registration
Click Next, then you can define more information about:
- Under Advanced Settings:
- Should trainers count in the maximum number of participants
- Waiting list
- Hide unsubscribe button for registered persons (for binding registrations)
- Hide registration status for members
- Allow guest registrations: guest types, require their names, whether registered guests count in the participant total
- Should trainers count in the maximum number of participants
- Reminders 2 and/or 5 days before the activity
- Send push notification immediately after activity creation
- Send email immediately after activity creation
- Under Others
- Tasks
- Comments
- Upload file (Excel, PDF, word, jpeg)
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