There are two functions regarding tasks in SportMember.
Both can be found by going to the specific activity.
Press or at the bottom of the screen
Find the specific activity and click on it
Press at the bottom right
Go to Tasks
Create task and select specific members
Here, you as the coach decide who will be assigned to a specific, predetermined task.
Go to Create task and select
Select participants
Select task (default tasks)
Send an email to the selected person(s)
Finish with the green Save button
TIP: If you want to distribute tasks more evenly across the team, choose to ignore people who have been assigned a task in the last 1/2/3/5 months
The activity now shows tasks and the person(s) responsible for it in the activity.
Example: Andy, Charlie and John are responsible for washing clothes for this match, Charlie and Julia will bring beers.
Create voluntary task
Here you define tasks that are voluntary. This means that members can sign up themselves if they wish.
Go to Create volunteer task
Name the task
Determine the maximum number of participants who can sign up for the task
Finish with the green button Save
Members can now sign up for the task(s) until the maximum number of participants is reached.
Example: The volunteer task "Set up a parcours" needs 3 members/coaches who can take the task by clicking on the button.
There are two ways to manage tasks in SportMember.
You can view both of them in the respective activity.
Click on Calendar
Now select the right activity and click on it
Click on More in the top right corner
Click on Tasks
Create fixed task and select specific members
Here, as a trainer, you decide who is responsible for a specific, pre-determined task.
Click on + Create task and assign it
Chose the Task (Standard tasks or self elected task)
Chose the Participants
Send an e-mail to the selected person(s) if necessary.
Finish the process by clicking the green Save button
TIP: If you would like to distribute the tasks fairly among the team, you can hide people who have had a task in the last 1/2/3/5 months in the "Select participants".
The activity now displays tasks and the person(s) responsible for them.
Example: Andy, Charlie and John are responsible for washing clothes for this match, Charlie and Julia will bring beers.
Create voluntary task
Here you define tasks that are voluntary. This means that members can sign up themselves if they wish.
Click + Create voluntary task
Name the task
Select the maximum number of participants who can register for this task
Finish the process by clicking the green button Create
Members can now sign up for the task(s) until the maximum number of participants is reached.
Example: The volunteer task "Set up a parcours" needs 3 members/coaches who can take the task by clicking on the button.
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