Is there a SportMember app?

With the SportMember app you can coordinate and organize your team whenever you want.

With the app you have access to all the most important functions and services on SportMember. The app makes sure the time demanding tasks as a coach can be done in a second, so you never lose focus on the important things - to win games and make sure your team and players have fun in the process.

The functions of the app

  1. Squad view: Overview of your club, team and players. You always have access to the information on players, coaches and assistants connected to your team or club.
  2. Team activities: Create and schedule team activities as practice and games. At all activities the players can see the start time/end time, location, participants etc.
  3. Personal profile: Players and coaches can control their personal profile. You can edit your informations, if you want to change your address, number etc.
  4. Change team: If a player is associated to more than one team, it is possible to change between the teams. In that way you are guaranteed to be connected to the correct team activities and events.
  5. Change user profile: You can change between users if you have attached a user profile to your main profile. This way you can switch between your child's profile and yours.

Download the Holdsport app

Our app is available for both Iphone and Android, so no matter which smartphone you own, you can use the app and optimize your contact with the team.

Search after “SportMember” in Appstore or Google Play, download the SportMember app and feel the benefits today.

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