Can I ensure that i receive e-mails from SportMember?

Diese Funktion kann nur am PC verwendet werden.

Are you not receiving emails from SportMember? This might be due to the e-mail address “”, might have been registered as spam, and has been placed in the spam or junk folder.

Depending on which email client that you use, there are different solutions for how you verify the emails from SportMember, so that you will be able to receive them forthwith.


White list emails from SportMember:

In order to whitelist SportMember-mails in Hotmail, you need to add to your Hotmail Safe List.

First you need to find an email from us in your Hotmail/Outlook junk folder. All you need to do is open it and click on "Not Junk"

Hereafter you need to check, if is on your list of blocked senders. If you find on your list of blocked senders, you need to select it and click on "Remove".

Hereafter you need to open your inbox and click on ”Settings” in the top right-hand corner.

At the top of the page, you need to click on the “Junk e-mail protection” link

The next step is to click on ”Safe List”, which is found close to the bottom.

Copy and paste, onto where it says ”Enter an address or a domain”

Click on the ”Add” button.


  • If you find emails from SportMember in your Gmail spam folder, then you need to select the email and click on “Not spam”
  • Hereafter, you need to open the email that you received from us
  • Click on the small downward-pointing triangle next to ”Respond”
  • Click on “Add SportMember to your contact list”


In order to whitelist on Yahoo, you need to create a ”filter”.

First, you need to take the following steps:

  • If you find e-mails from in your Yahoo! Spam folder, then you need to open it and click on ”Not spam”
  • Make sure that the address isn’t in your “blocked addresses” list. If you find it on your blocked list, then you need to select it and click on “Remove block”
  • Open your e-mail and click on “Mail settings” in the top right-hand corner.
  • Choose ”Filters” (In the bottom left corner)
  • Hereafter you need to click on ”Add”
  • Choose the ”From header:” rule and add “contains” and, which tells the system, that mails with should be place in your inbox and not in your spam folder.
  • Click on ”Choose folder” and pull down the menu and choose “Inbox”
  • Select it and add Filter
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